Secure payment
The price charged to the customer is the price indicated on the order confirmation sent by XP Autographes. The price of the products is payable on the day of the actual order.
Payment is made according to your choice :
1. By Paypal / credit card via Paypal to email address [email protected]. In order to prove its confidence and seriousness, XP Autographes store is Paypal certified. Payment is made securely to preserve the confidentiality of your bank details (SSL security standard).
2. By check made out in euros and drawn on a French bank, payable to Xavier Pelletier. Send to the following address : Xavier Pelletier - 77 Corniche Bellevue - Entrance C31 - 06000 Nice - France.
3. By bank transfer to the Crédit Agricole Provence Côte d'Azur account in the name of Xavier Pelletier : Bank code 19106 / Bank code 00636 / Account number 43637534700 / Rib key 14. BIC code : AGRIFRPP891 / IBAN code : FR76 1910 6006 3643 6375 3470 014.
4. By mandate on behalf of Xavier Pelletier. Send to the following address : Xavier Pelletier - 77 Corniche Bellevue - Entrance C31 - 06000 Nice - France
5. By cash (registered delivery recommended). We can in no way be held responsible in the case of loss or non-receipt. Send to the following address: Xavier Pelletier - 77 Corniche Bellevue - Entrance C31 - 06000 Nice - France
Shipment will not be made until payment has been received and cashed. In addition, XP Autographes reserves the right to refuse any order and payment from a customer with whom there is a dispute over payment of a previous order.